APR Report

Lack of access to sexual and reproductive health information and services is holding India's youth back in varied speheres

Limited access to SRH negatively impacts young people’s ability to pursue and complete their education

Only 46% of girls in India complete upper secondary education, and the major factors contributing to this gap are early marriage as well as early pregnancy

Education Progress and Completion in Asia”, UNESCO

A larger population strains resources and infrastructure, impacting the overall economy and GDP of the country

India’s population is expected to reach 1.7 billion by 2050, which could put pressure on the country’s job market and overall economic growth.

United Nations’ World Population Prospects 2019 report

Untimely and inadequate contraceptive access leads to mental health adversities

Studies reveal how unintended pregnancy can lead to increased levels of stress and depression, particularly for young people

(Various studies by Guttmacher Institue)

A focused study of young women revealed that those women who had unintended pregnancy were 33 percent higher likely to suffer from depressive symptoms than their counterparts.

2022, IIPS

Contraceptive inaccessibility harms sexual and reproductive health

Out of the 121 million unintended pregnancies across the world every year, and one in every seven of these occur in India

(State of World Population Report, UNFPA,2021) 


The latest data reveals 6.8% of pregnancies are either unwanted or mistimed, affecting women’s health adversely.

(NFHS 5)

Barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health services in India can have negative impacts on employment

A study found that lack of access to contraception was a significant barrier to women’s employment in rural areas of India. Women who had access to contraception were more likely to be employed than those who did not.

(International Journal of Health Services in 2018)


Studies reveal that unintended pregnancies are a major reason why young women in India drop out of school.

(Journal of Health Economics, 2012)

Without access to comprehensive sexuality education, young people are at risk of losing their dignity and equality.

A study found out that young women in India who had received CSE had higher levels of mean score on sexual self-efficacy, than those who did not.

(Journal of Sex Research in 2019)


National Survey reveals only 40% of women aged 15-49 make their own decisions about seeking healthcare, which again hints towards a requirement for Comprehensive Sexual Education.



A study found that young people who had received CSE were more likely to have greater agency and autonomy in making decisions about their sexual health, including decisions related to contraception, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections.

(Study by TYPF, 2020)

Lack of access to Sexual and Reproductive Health services and information exacerbates climate change

Content to be Added

A coalition that aims to empower 1 million young Indians to ensure more equitable and universal access to contraception for ALL young people, and strives to tackle critical gaps in the current landscape of Sexual and Reproductive Health in India

  • Youth Ke Bol seeks to address this by establishment of a coalition of and for intentional engagement of diverse and representative group of 1 million young people to organize and amplify their voices towards the need for increased access to Sexual and Reproductive health information and services for all

Youth Ke Bol provides capacity building to young people through NGOs to nurture their leadership capabilities to drive narrative change around issues key to youth empowerment

  • Youth Ke Bol works towards development and endorsement of a compelling and effective narrative on these topicsin the broader context of improved quality of life for young people by using multimedia platforms to expand and scale conversations amongst all
  • Youth Ke Bol is building an established platform for constructive youth engagement with decision makers in government and private sectorto represent voices and recommendations of youth to improve based solutions for their better quality of life.

Bridging the gaps in India's Sexual and Reproductive Health landscape has the power to unlock the country's full potential

Meeting India's unmet family planning needs could prevent 51M unintended pregnancies and 124K maternal deaths by 2030
(*Guttmacher Institute)
India's GDP could increase by $18B by 2030 with modern contraception access for all women
(*Family Planning 2020)
Youth sexuality education and contraception reduce HIV and other STIs
(UN Population Fund)
Contraception access promotes women's education and personal/professional growth
(National Family Health Survey-4)
Improving access to family planning in India could lead to a reduction in poverty by increasing labor force participation
(World Bank)
It is estimated that meeting the unmet need for family planning in developing countries could reduce global carbon emissions by up to 30%
(Guttmacher Institute)

Our partners

Our Impact in Action

A. Fostering Youth Leadership

a. On-ground engagement

1200+ young individuals empowered with knowledge and tools for informed decision-making about their sexual and reproductive health through on-ground and partner-led activities like Youth addas, local gatherings and events

Our Geographical footprint

  •  Jharkhand
  • Orissa
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Telangana
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Rajasthan

b. Harnessing the Power of Digital Media

B. Championing Young Voices

Non-binary people face bias from doctors, says study

It is not just the non-binary who face social stigma and discrimination.

News from the world of Education: October 13, 2022

Information on admissions, courses and events from schools and colleges

C. Influencing Policy and Practice


our Journey

Aug – Oct 2021

Co creation of workshops and peer led research conducted with 150+ young people and 9 youth orgs to arrive at key narratives

Jul - Sept 2022

- YKB Josh Page launched

- YKB Officially launched

Jan-Mar 2022

- On boarded Coalition partners

- YAG established

Jan-Mar 2023

- Reached 1000 people directly

- Reached 200k on Josh

- Policy champions on boarded

- Onboarded more partners to increase geographic reach of the coalition

APR - JUL 2021

- Learning Calls with national and international youth focused organizations

- Consultations with young people to develop commitments for FP2030

Oct – Dec 2021

Received buy in from the AH Cell, MoHFW to instate of regularized platform for young people to directly liaise with decision makers

Apr- Jun 2022

YKB brand created and established

Oct- Dec 2022

-Participated in ICFP

-Launched YKB’s first campaign #SwitchtheSoch

Join the 10to19 community and help transform lives. Write to us at

To know more about our work

Reference Example for easy understanding

STEP 1 - List & Shortlist


The policy gap(s) addressed by the program

The exclusion of young people in the decision-making process for policy issues surrounding adolescents

Community need(s) addressed by the program

Greater awareness and understanding of adolescent issues regarding their education, sexual and reproductive health, and early marriage

Opportunity for innovation addressed by the program

The opportunity to bring and work together with critical stakeholders on a single platform


Day-to-day program activities

Stakeholder management, vendor management

Periodic program activities

Monitoring, reporting, training of personnel

One-off program activities

Government advocacy, designing campaigns

Tools/frameworks/systems & processes/ways of working from the program

Systems Change Framework


Program practices

Is the practice impactful? If yes, list down why?

Is the practice sustainable? If yes, list down why?   

Is the practice scalable? If yes, list down why?  

Is the practice innovative and/or unique? If yes, list down why?  

Youth-led social audits and presenting youth-centric priorities directly to decision makers

Yes, as it allows young people to directly engage with decision makers and contribute to the decision-making process

Yes, as it equips young people with leadership skills. It is also cost effective due to the long-term gains it offers upon initial investment

Yes, as such training modules can be replicated across multiple initiatives by other practitioners & organizations. In addition, trained young people can also train other young people

Yes, as it follows an approach which centers its design and delivery around young people, in an end-to-end manner






STEP 2 - Substantiate & Calibrate


Promising Practice

Youth-led social audits and presenting youth-centric priorities directly to decision makers to: (i) create a platform for youth to exercise their agency (ii) effectively engage decision makers


  • Verbal evidence from community
  • Verbal feedback from on-ground team members
  • Project report & surveys


Community feedback of adolescents feeling confident, understood, and acknowledged

On-ground team feedback on creation of government champions for the project’s objectives

Project report and surveys observe greater youth involvement and efficacy in engaging directly with decision maker

STEP 3 - Develop into a recommendation



Promising Practice

Youth-led social audits and presenting youth-centric priorities directly to decision makers to: (i) create a platform for youth to exercise their agency (ii) effectively engage decision makers

The demographic it addresses

Adolescents from the age of 10 to 19 years

The gap/ need/ opportunity it addresses

The exclusion of adolescents and young people in the decision-making process for policy issues regarding adolescents and young people

Govt stakeholders

Holding consultations with critical stakeholders and young people from the inception of a program


Taking inputs from all stakeholders and young people before initiating a new project to ensure a deeper visibility and understanding of their demographic and its needs

Other Practitioners

Engaging young people in decision-making processes to adopt a more collaborative approach between stakeholders and young people

Community Stakeholders

Undertaking youth-led social audits and engagement with decision makers to engage directly with young people, understand their needs & concerns and influence change at the community level

STEP 4 - Document

STEP 5 - Objective Review


Objective Review


Promising Practices and recommendations ratified by at least one member/ partner organization/ community/ MEL partners outside of ‘the team’


Objective Review


To validate the final promising practice and recommendation(s) by at least one person/ partner organization/ community/ MEL partners outside of the team.


Promising Practices and recommendations ratified by at least one member/ partner organization/ community/ MEL partner outside of ‘the team’




2-3 promising practices documenting:


  • What gap/need is addressed
  • How it is addressed and the change that is created
  • The potential for replicating along with recommendations for implementing




To document the promising practices in a detailed manner


2-3 promising practices documented in a concise format capturing:

  • What gap/need is addressed
  • How it is addressed and the change that is created
  • The potential for replicating along with recommendations for implementing


Develop into a recommendation


Well-articulated recommendation(s) addressing:


  • Demographic to cater to
  • Gaps/needs/opportunities addressed by the practice
  • The change brought in by implementing such a practice




To construct a recommendation in a brief, specific and clear-cut format which would assist other initiatives in implementing the same


Clear and comprehensive recommendation(s) addressing:


  • Demographic to cater to
  • Gaps/needs/opportunities addressed by the practice
  • The direct/eventual beneficiaries of the program




Obtaining qualitative and/or quantitative data to assess the promise of the shortlisted practices according to the five guiding factors

Arriving at first list of promising practices




To substantiate the shortlisted practices by collating gathered data in the form of:


  • Feedback from the community
  • Verbal accounts of the ground team
  • Documentation reports
  • Other valuable data


Obtaining qualitative and/or quantitative data to assess the promise of the shortlisted practices according to the four guiding factors

First list of promising practices


List & Shortlist



  • Policy gaps
  • Community needs
  • Opportunities for innovation and other aspects that the program is addressing.

    Creating a list of program practices that are working on-ground in bridging gaps/needs/opportunities.


List & Shortlist


To identify gaps/needs/opportunities and to shortlist program practices that are impactful, sustainable, scalable, innovative and/or unique.


  • Policy gaps

  • Community needs

  • Opportunities for innovation and other aspects that the program is addressing.

  • A list of program practices that are working on-ground in bridging gaps/needs/opportunities.