Mar 23, 2021
Jharkhand CM Addresses Dasra Philanthropy Week Forum
The 10to19 Dasra Adolescents Collaborative works to address the scale and breadth of issues facing adolescents. Bringing together civil society organizations, experts, funders and the government to ensure that adolescents are safe, healthy, educated and empowered to make positive life choices as they transition into adulthood
each partner’s contributions and work together to create real and sustainable change.
Our webinars and events serve as a platform for civil society organizations, government, funders, experts, gatekeepers, community members to connect in real-time and interact openly on issues that impact adolescents. Sharing on-ground experiences, data and insights, we hope, enables the sector to improve their understanding, create best practices and work collectively to adopt and implement innovative and scalable programs
Under the Voices from the Ground series we are organising a number of consultations with NGOs and young people from across the country.
A national convening of adolescents and youth-facing organizations to listen, share and learn about the situation on ground and discuss challenges and way forward to be able to curate a list of recommendations for those solving for youth-facing issues
Adolescents are at the center of everything we do. We believe that for young people to reach their full potential, it is imperative that they are aware of their rights, can raise their issues, can share their stories, and are empowered to make informed and positive life choices.
Under the AbMeriBaari campaign we are launching an intensive 12-week online training programme, combining mobile journalism and content production skills with increased awareness on sexual & reproductive health and rights. The programme will engage over 100 young people in Jharkhand.
A nation-wide campaign that amplifies adolescent voices by training Girl Champions to evaluate access to sexual and reproductive health services, advocate for their rights, delay age of first pregnancy and mobilize their peers and communities to build accountability from ground up.
64 Youth Champions from 6 states are leading a digital advocacy campaign in their communities to reduce stigma and discrimination against frontline workers, Covid-19 patients and their families.
Our reports and articles are ways we hope to inspire people into action, turn ideas into reality and share ways to replicate success. The Collaborative emphasizes the importance of data collection and documentation. It shares insights and learnings with the sector to encourage a greater understanding of the breadth of issues and leverage the findings to create relevant and practical solutions for the community.
Jharkhand CM Addresses Dasra Philanthropy Week Forum
Why strengthening local organisations is the need of hour
Girls’ education is not a demand problem, it’s a supply problem
Child Marriage Leading to Teenage Pregnancy in Jharkhand - Prabhat Kabhar
How did young people access care during lockdown?
100 Youth Champions, Trained With Digital Advocacy Skills, Create A Social Media Reach Of 6 Million+
Reference Example for easy understanding
The policy gap(s) addressed by the program
The exclusion of young people in the decision-making process for policy issues surrounding adolescents
Community need(s) addressed by the program
Greater awareness and understanding of adolescent issues regarding their education, sexual and reproductive health, and early marriage
Opportunity for innovation addressed by the program
The opportunity to bring and work together with critical stakeholders on a single platform
Day-to-day program activities
Stakeholder management, vendor management
Periodic program activities
Monitoring, reporting, training of personnel
One-off program activities
Government advocacy, designing campaigns
Tools/frameworks/systems & processes/ways of working from the program
Systems Change Framework
Program practices
Is the practice impactful? If yes, list down why?
Is the practice sustainable? If yes, list down why?
Is the practice scalable? If yes, list down why?
Is the practice innovative and/or unique? If yes, list down why?
Youth-led social audits and presenting youth-centric priorities directly to decision makers
Yes, as it allows young people to directly engage with decision makers and contribute to the decision-making process
Yes, as it equips young people with leadership skills. It is also cost effective due to the long-term gains it offers upon initial investment
Yes, as such training modules can be replicated across multiple initiatives by other practitioners & organizations. In addition, trained young people can also train other young people
Yes, as it follows an approach which centers its design and delivery around young people, in an end-to-end manner
Promising Practice
Youth-led social audits and presenting youth-centric priorities directly to decision makers to: (i) create a platform for youth to exercise their agency (ii) effectively engage decision makers
Community feedback of adolescents feeling confident, understood, and acknowledged
On-ground team feedback on creation of government champions for the project’s objectives
Project report and surveys observe greater youth involvement and efficacy in engaging directly with decision maker
Promising Practice
Youth-led social audits and presenting youth-centric priorities directly to decision makers to: (i) create a platform for youth to exercise their agency (ii) effectively engage decision makers
The demographic it addresses
Adolescents from the age of 10 to 19 years
The gap/ need/ opportunity it addresses
The exclusion of adolescents and young people in the decision-making process for policy issues regarding adolescents and young people
Govt stakeholders
Holding consultations with critical stakeholders and young people from the inception of a program
Taking inputs from all stakeholders and young people before initiating a new project to ensure a deeper visibility and understanding of their demographic and its needs
Other Practitioners
Engaging young people in decision-making processes to adopt a more collaborative approach between stakeholders and young people
Community Stakeholders
Undertaking youth-led social audits and engagement with decision makers to engage directly with young people, understand their needs & concerns and influence change at the community level
Objective Review
Objective Review
Develop into a recommendation
Obtaining qualitative and/or quantitative data to assess the promise of the shortlisted practices according to the five guiding factors
Obtaining qualitative and/or quantitative data to assess the promise of the shortlisted practices according to the four guiding factors
List & Shortlist
List & Shortlist
To identify gaps/needs/opportunities and to shortlist program practices that are impactful, sustainable, scalable, innovative and/or unique.
Policy gaps
Community needs
Opportunities for innovation and other aspects that the program is addressing.
A list of program practices that are working on-ground in bridging gaps/needs/opportunities.